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2021 Homecoming

Homecoming 2021

Homecoming Banner

Participation in any Riverdale Ridge Homecoming event must still follow the same guidelines and expectations for student behavior.

All Spirit Day costumes must adhere to the Riverdale Ridge Dress Code. Any student not in compliance with dress code will be subject to the same procedures as a normal day of school

Spirit Days

Tuesday, 10.5 - Beach Day!
Wear your flip flops and Hawaiian shirts and enjoy the sunny beach days!

Wednesday, 10.6 - Class Colors Day
Freshmen wear clownfish orange
Sophomores wear turtle green
Juniors wear lobster red
Seniors wear shark grey

Thursday, 10.7 - Lifeguard Day
Wear your best red and white looks and save some lives!

Friday, 10.8 - No School, but there will be a Blue Out at the Home Game that Night
Pick up your Homecoming 2021 Blue Wave Shirt at the Box Office for $15


Homecoming Week will kick off our tallying of House Points for your squads and houses!

Students can earn points for their advisory by participating in spirit days and attending events throughout the week.

For spirit day recognition, students will need to upload a photo of them in spirit wear ON THE SAME DAY AS THE SPIRIT DAY using the form below.




Tuesday, 10.5 - Home Volleyball Game (5:30pm)
Come in your beach gear to support the volleyball team from The Nest! We'll have free pizza and prizes for anyone who comes dressed for the beach! (Pizza will be limited first come, first serve)

Wednesday, 10.6 - Kickball Game, RRHS Stadium (7pm)
Our kickball game is back and this year, we're making it a costume kickball event!
Sign up on the SLT board in the A Hall and pick up your waiver form.
Sign ups and waiver forms are due by Wednesday, 9.29 to Farner so your coaches can organize costumes!
All are welcome to play!
Free to attend!

Thursday, 10.7 - Softball Game (4:30pm) & Outdoor Movie (7:30pm)
Come support your Lady Ravens softball team! Once the team WINS, move over to the auxiliary field for an outdoor movie starting a 7:30pm. Movie will be decided by Instagram Stories vote. Follow @rrhsstudentleaderteam

Friday, 10.8 - Tailgate & Blue Wave @ The Nest, 4-5:30pm
Our Homecoming football theme is the Blue Wave! Shirts will be on sale with Homecoming tickets during A & B lunches for $15. Come play yard games and hangout

Saturday, 10.9 - Under the Sea Dance
Homecoming Dance, 10.9.2021, 7-10pm, $20 presale/ $25 at-door, Tickets go on sale 9.28.2021 during lunches (cash or check only)
The dance will be held outdoors in the North Parking Lot; dress appropriately!
Refunds will not be given for inclement weather, suspensions, etc.